more positively

美 [mɔːr ˈpɑːzətɪvli]英 [mɔː(r) ˈpɒzətɪvli]
  • adv.积极地;乐观地;肯定地;赞成地;绝对地
  • positively的比较级
more positivelymore positively
  1. From then on he took part in all kinds of political activities more positively .


  2. They should participate more positively in the process .


  3. But I think of it much more positively ;


  4. Investors viewed US equities much more positively than European ones .


  5. Older faces were generally viewed more positively compared to younger ones .


  6. The lower actual tax burden , the more positively VAT impact on manufacturing businesses .


  7. So by changing that interpretation , you might be able to make yourself think and feel more positively .


  8. We provide you with advice on overcoming self-doubt and learning to think more positively .


  9. More positively , some senior officials are now prepared to speak out about the issue – in public .


  10. Overall , wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking .


  11. The researchers found the images were seen more positively when the pairs were together , The Sunday Times reported .


  12. The company needs to give us what we need , but also to engage us so that we feel more positively towards it .


  13. If a man really understood her complaint then he would argue less and be able to respond more positively .


  14. If we could teach people to think more positively , it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills .


  15. The results indicated : ( 1 ) Compared with younger children , the older ones coped with social failure more positively .


  16. They also help you think more positively , because Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids work as natural antidepressants .


  17. Dr Simon Laham , from Melbourne University , who led the study , said people with simple names were generally judged more positively .


  18. From 1988 , the Soviet Union mended its pace of leaving Afghanistan and drove the Geneva process more positively .


  19. Or , to put it more positively , suffering is punctuated by shards of momentary glory .


  20. The more positively you react to her " babbling ", the more she will " talk " back to you .


  21. Take a step-by-step approach inbreaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to lookingat things more positively .


  22. And cells would have stronger adsorption ability with the stronger hydrophobicity , more positively charged and stronger van der Waals force of cells surface .


  23. During the earlier phases , I interpreted everything as further evidence of gloom and doom , whereas now I take things more positively .


  24. But the effects of the phenomenon might be felt more positively a little closer to home , after scientists claimed that it will make flowers smell sweeter .


  25. What , then , are the main exceptions to the doctrine of the invisible hand or , to put it more positively , the areas requiring state intervention .


  26. A further study involving 80 strangers arranged into pairs showed that they also rated each other more positively if they walked in the same direction to carry out a task .


  27. Primeval art , on the other hand , steps out of the mire of pure illusion in the course of its development and certifies human nature more positively .


  28. To add psychological courses into series of employee education , and organize variety of team practice , help health inspectors to relieve work pressure and face heavy enforcement more positively . 3 .


  29. CORBA is an object-oriented distributed compute architecture raised by OMG ( Object Management Group ), it can be used in telecom integrated network management field more positively because of its favorable distributed performance .


  30. If you have more positively charged energy arguing for success and prosperity than negatively charged energy arguing against them , then you have a positive sense of self-valuation .
